What is the main reason people use perfume?

2021-08-31 16:24

What is the main reason people use perfume?

For thousands of years, people have been adorning beautiful fragrances, because they make you smell great. There are many reasons to use perfume. Most importantly, they reaffirm who we're to ourselves and become a part of our identity. 

Here are some reasons to use perfume:

Firstly, perfumes evoke feelings. There is a question, have you ever walked past someone who just smells amazing? Perfumes are much more than just a smell. They have the power to evoke feelings of love, energy, power, happiness, peace and etc.

use perfume

And then, triggers memories, perfumes trigger memories that can send you back in time, for example, remember happy memories.

In addition, smell fresh is also the important reason. Perfumes allow you to go out into the world smelling fresh for longer.

Fourthly, perfume is your identity. You can make your perfume a part of your identity. 

At last but not least, boost your mood. Some people can't leave home without perfume, because they can boost your mood.

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